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Formerly Gay Solidarity Group (Established in 1978)
PO Box 1675
Preston South Vic 3072
e-mail: josken_at_josken_net


ISSN 1446-4896


People in Gay Solidarity have been busy in recent months, primarily with the Eleventh National Conference of Lesbians and Gay Men, but also with our Stonewall Anniversary Dinner. We have continued our work in ensuring a visible gay liberationist presence at important progressive events such as the weekend of activities to mark the seventh anniversary of the Nicaraguan revolution and the Soweto tenth anniversary actions. GSG people also convened the only lesbian and gay workshop at the National Fightback conference in Canberra.

So even if these circulars can only come out from time to time, the issues that we cover don't disappear.

Historic Victory

The passage of the reform bill in New Zealand, despite the loss of the anti-discrimination clauses, is a great milestone in our international struggle. The campaign in New Zealand has been one of the most significant and hardest fought anywhere in the world. Congratulations to the women and men in Aotearoa who showed such strength, endurance and flair in the campaign. And thanks for some good news for a change.

Copenhagen Conference

Following the first Asian regional conference in Tokyo, the International Lesbian and Gay Association held its Eighth Annual World Conference on July 7-12. GSG has been an active member for some time and was represented by a delegate from Sydney. Some reports of the conference decisions (suchas the name change and the affiliation of a multi-racial group from South Africa) have appeared in the gay media, but we are enthusiastically awaiting a first hand report. Stay tuned .......

Anti-Gay Violence

GSG members have become very alarmed at recent violence and murders in Sydney. Recent experiences in beats have made even more urgent the need to develop collective defence responses. GSG is working with other groups to initiate a public meeting to open discussion on the current situation.

Enola Gay

The lesbian and gay nuclear disarmament group has been working on Hiroshima Day preparations. After the Hiroshima March (Sat 2 August), attention will focus on production of the first national Enola Gay Newsletter, a project agreed on at the Eleventh National Conference. Contributions and enquiries should be sent to PO box K485 Haymarket 2000.


Many of us are involved in a range of working groups that make a variety of contributions to the fight against the epidemic. Everyone should remember to renew their membership and take part in the Annual General Meeting of the AIDS Council of NSW, Tuesday August 12, 730pm, Paddington Green Hotel, 182 Oxford Street.

Gay Radio Information News Service

A small and very dedicated band of GSG members and friends put out a national weekly tape of lesbian and gay news. These tapes are played on Sydney's Gaywaves and are now circulated to gay radio programs in Darwin, Melbourne, Brisbane, Ballarat, Canberrra and Lismore. A monthly tape of Australian gay news is sent to Wellington in Aotearoa/NZ. GRINS can be contacted through PO box 380 Broadway 2007.

ACOA Caucus

A strong lesbian and gay caucus has been formed with official recognition in the Adrninistrative and Clerical Officers Association. The union has more than 10,000 members in NSW, covering all federal public service clerks. An inaugural dinner is being held on Friday 22 August at 7pm. The Beresford Hotel Restaurant is providing a smorgasbord for a cost of $15 per head. Everyone who can answer yes to the following four questions should come:

• Are you pro-union?
• Are you pro-lesbian/gay?
• Will you pay the $15?
• You're out for a good time?

Ticket enquiries to Peter or Jerry at the union office 264 6044, or Ken (home) 810 2630. All tickets must be booked in advance.

Latin American Solidarity

The July 19 weekend saw the fiftieth anniversary of the start of the Spanish Civil War, Nelson Mandela's birthday, and actions to mark the seventh anniversary of the overthrow of the Somoza dictatorship in Nicaragua. In the gay contingent of the Saturday morning march, GSG carried a new banner "United Fruit Co ... las lesbianas y los gays contra el imperialismo yanqui", and the Gay Liberation Quire was well received singing at the rally and at the Sunday night concert at La Pena. The concert, which also featured Latin American artists, Jeannie Lewis, Miss Managua 1956 and Cardinal Bandido y Bravo, raised $700 to send to the Sandinsta organisation of disabled youth. Fund-raising socials by the solidarity groups CISCAC and RACLA that weekend were also very successful.

Coming up is the visit of two of the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, leaders of the struggle against repression in Argentina.Their fight for the return of the children of women who were "disappeared" by the former military dictators was the subject of the recent award-winning film, The Official Story. Their meeting in Sydney is on Saturday August 9, 7.30pm, Turner Hall, Building 4, Institute of Technology, Railway Square. Information films will be shown.


The lifestyle of the Gay Liberation Quire has changed somewhat, with the start of choral singing classes by Roberto. Quire meets every Wednesday 6.30-8.30pm at the GSG room, 224A King St Newtown.


The Gay Immigration Task Force goes from strength to strength, with newly elected officebearers and ever larger numbers participating in the general meetings, second Monday of the month at Humanist House, 10 Shepherd St, Broadway, 7pm. Personal advice on lesbian and gay immigration matters is available on Monday nights (7.30pm) at Marrickville Legal Centre, 9 Robert St, Marrickville, 559 2899, or through writing to GPO box415, Sydney 2001.

GSG is corresponding with a gay Hungarian refugee couple in West Germany who want assistance in migrating to Australia.

National Conference

Lots of work is still being done by the collective in winding up the Eleventh National Conference: financial disbursement and the publication of a conference report with resolutions, survey results and so on. Another dance with the Betty Ann and Brian Bruce Showband ii planned for late October at the University of NSW. Can't wait !

And so to GSG.......

We've been seeing some new faces at our meetings recently. Keen to see some more. We meet at 7.30 pm the second and fourth Thursday of the month at the office we share with the Greens, Room 3, first floor, 224A King Street Newtown, near Intervention Bookshop and the Burland Community Hall. Any enquiries about GSG should go to PO box 380 Broadway 2007; or people can ring Paul or Ken (home) on 810 2630 to ask about any of the activities in this circular.





Mannie has a personal web site: RED JOS: HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISM

Mannie's blogs may be accessed by clicking on to the following links:

MannieBlog (from 1 August 2003 to 31 December 2005)

Activist Kicks Backs - Blognow archive re-housed - 2005-2009

RED JOS BLOGSPOT (from January 2009 onwards)

This page updated 18 SEPTEMBER 2014 and again on 26 APRIL 2017