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Formerly Gay Solidarity Group (Established in 1978)
PO Box 1675
Preston South Vic 3072
e-mail: josken_at_josken_net


ISSN 1446-4896

Vol.1 No.3 Aug/Sept. 1979 BOX 380, P.O BR0ADWAY, N.S.W., 2007, AUSTRALIA

This is the third issue of our Newsletter and we feel confident that we finally have it established. Subscribers are growing steadily in number. The subscription form is on the back page.

Perhaps the extra special item featured in this issue is the news that GSG has found what could be termed a permanent home.

The premises we found are at 603 King Street at the St. Peter's Station end of NEWTOWN.

It's a fairly spacious ground floor shop with a residence above. GSG uses only the ground floor area and we have long-range plans to utilise it fully as a gay activity centre.

The largest hurdle for us to overcome was the rental. Nevertheless, despite our constant battle to raise funds in the past to pay our way, we found a number of GSG members willing to pledge set amounts weekly towards the rental and a House Committee has been set up to handle Centre finances. However, we shall be grateful for nore rental pledges. We're just scraping by now.

The installation of a telephone is one of our top priorities and hopefully the next issue of the Newsletter will bring news of a GSG telephone number.

Furnishing the Centre adequately is of paramount importance and that too should be accomplished before long with the help of our friends.

We don't have to tell you that a functioning centre requires a regular income so we urge you to support the dances and other fund-raising activities we have planned at the Centre.

GSG now meets regularly there at 6.30 each Thursday night so call in and renew acquaintance with us or meet us for the first time.

Please note though that our postal address for all correspondence will still be: GSG, Box 380, P.O., Broadway, 2007.









" come out,
be active,
fight back, educate"


What every homosexual ought to know but isn't likely to be told

In the April issue of the Newsletter GSG published an interview with Margaret McMann a lesbian mother who had fought and won custody of her young daughter through the Family Law Court in Sydney. At the time we did that interview her ex-husband had appealed against the decision of the court. The appeal has now been heard and lovers Margaret and Jen talk about the case to GSG.

GSG: Margaret, GSG has had quite a bit of feedback congratulating us on the content of the interview we did with you about your custody case. Several people said: are you going to do a follow-up and tell us how the appeal went?

M: I won the appeal. The three judges who sat an the appeal were Justice Evatt, Chief Judge ...

J: She is also president of the Family Law Court.

M: Justice Evatt actually chose to sit on this appeal. Then there was Justice Yule from Canberra, one of the people who was involved in the planning process which resulted in the new Family Law Act and which is now operable. Recently he was appointed to Sydney but at the time he sat on this appeal he had been brought in specially for the case.

J: The third Judge was Justice Fogarty from Melbourne who is another Family Law Court Judge.

GSG: Would you be likely to get an ordinary civil court judge on a custody appeal such as this one?

M. I don't think so. A judge would have to be well-versed in the Family Law Act. So ... there were three judges for the appeal —Evatt fron Sydney, Fogarty from Melbourne, and Yule fron Canberra.

GSG: Would the judge who had presided at the actual custody hearing have bean called in at any time?

M. No. each of the three appeal judges was quite conversant with the case. They had read the full transcript and his judgment before we got into court. In my case though he had written a letter which was sealed and nobody saw except the three appeal judges and in that letter he had set out his interpretation of the personal interview he had had with my daughter.

What happened was that my ex-husband's barrister then argued that the judge who had presided over the case ... a Judge Goldstein ... had erred in law in granting me custody of my daughter in the first place. After he basically presented his argument and had been nasty again as he had been in tha original court case, the three judges adjourned to consider the validity of the grounds he had presented and to decide which of the grounds they would allow my barrister to argue on.

GSG: What were your ex-husband's grounds for the appeal?

M. He had appealed on six grounds. The first one ... that his honor had erred in law in discharging on October 27 1978 the order he had made on October 3 for separate representation for my daughter contrary to the provision of Section 43 of the Family Law Act. I had better explain what had happened at that time.

On October 3 my ex-husband's barrister had argued that my daughter should have separate legal representation which was about three weeks before the case was due to come up for hearing.

Judge Goldstein was very hesitant about agreeing to separate representation for her but because my ex-husband's barrister was so adamant that it was necessary the judge finally agreed. He decided that the A.L.A.O (Australian Legal Aid Office) should act for her because she was a minor and was unable to pay for representation.

The most incredible thing then happened. A very aggressive person from the A.L.A.O. turned up at our home unannounced. He did not even have the courtesy or decency to 'phone first to say he was coming. My daughter actually answered the door to him. He established who she was and then stated overbearingly that he would be representing her. She said that she wanted to get one of us. Jan was downstairs and went in. I was upstairs. He told Jan he wouldn't speak to her only to my daughter. Jan asked her if she would speak to him and she said she would. I overheard all this and decided not to come down but to stay and listen. He didn't know I was upstairs. By this time Jan had left.

He did not give my daughter any opportunity whatfsoever to indicate how she would want him to act for her. He began madly firing questions at her about the household, who lived here and was the house always in such a mess. At that time the kitchen was being renovated and not unnaturally things were a little iggly-piggily.

He then told her that if the court gave instructions that she would have to go back and live with her father and step-mother she would have to be a good little girl and do it. The court he said know what was best for her. Finally my daughter said:"When are you going to ask me what I want?"

He said that she could tell tho barrister he had appointed for her about that and furthermore he would send a taxi to pick her up the following Wednesday at 4 p.m. and then he left.

I came downstairs then and she said to me that there was no way she was going to have him act for her. "He's going to put his point of view in that courtroom, Mum, and you're going to have two legal eagles against you. I won't have a bar of him." Oh I thought, am I going to get into more strife?

As soon as 1 could I 'phoned my solicitor and explained the situation and that he was unacceptable. She said that she was glad because he had already 'phoned her and raved on about it being a terrible household. He said that my daughter had changed from the quiet, respectful child her father had known and was now quite precocious without any respect for her elders which no doubt was due to the lesbian atmosphere she was now living in. He said that he was going to recommend that my daughter be put into a foster home.

on the following Wednesday we went back to court. The A.L.A.O. guy had brought along a woman barrister by the name of Quirk to act for ny daughter.

The Judge asked my daughter if she would see this woman. She said she would. She didn't like her either. When the Judge asked her the outcome my daughter told him that she didn't want anyone else to act for her because she was quite happy to be represented by my counsel. So the judge sacked them.

Ground number two from my ex—husband was that his honor had erred in law in failing to find on the evidence that there were special circumstances by reason of the fact that the court ought to have been satisfied that it was necessary to make an order CONTRARY TO THE WISHES OF THE CHILD.

What that means is that Section 64A of the Act states that the wishes of a child of fourteen will not be negated unless there are special circumstances. The "special circumstances" were my lesbianism.

For five whole days at the original hearing it had been discussed at length and Judge Goldstein had finally ruled that my lesbianism did not constitute special circumstances.

The third ground for the appeal by my ex-husband was that by granting my application for custody of my daughter his honor had separated two children who were on the evidence close in age and affection which was contrary to Section 43 of the Act.

Section 43 states that if there be more than one child the court will not break them up unless it was considered necessary. In this case it was very necessary.

There was no custody case going on over my son so the judge could not give me custody of him. He was quite happy to stay with his father and step-mother. It was not so with my daughter. She had refused to go back to her father and step-mother whom she disliked intensely. So there was a reason to split them up.

GSG: So far the grounds could be classified as Legal for number one, Moral for number two, and again legal for number three.

M: Now we come to the welfare grounds. Number four was that his honor failed to give proper and adequate consideration to the overall welfare of the child and to the furthering of such welfare in the fullest possible way.

Number five, his honor erred in granting custody of the child to the wife in view of the evidence of the welfare officer that the effect on the child of living in a homosexual environment was an unknown quantity and therefore a risk to the child existed.

And Number six that his honor's decision was against the evidence and the weight of the evidence bearing on the future welfare of the child.

What 4, 5 and 6 were really all about was my lesbian household and its effect on my daughter. What my ex-husband was saying through his barrister was that the judge had erred in saying that her welfare would not be damaged in my household. But there has to be proof in law.

What had come up at the custody hearing was that there was no proof that she would be damaged one way or the other. What the judge did know though was that she would be damaged by my ex-husband's household because she was unhappy there and did not want to return to it.

G5G: So now it was your barrister's turn to refute those six grounds?

M: No because the three appeal Judges adjourned to consider whether or not my ex-husband's barrister had provided enough evidence to prove that any of the grounds did exist.

GSG: How long were they out?

M: Two hours. They came back and they had dismissed all the grounds EXCEPT number two —— special circumstances —my lesbianism AGAIN! Back to the argument whether lesbianism by or in itself, intrinsically affects your mothering role; whether it's a special circumstance to negate the kid's wishes. If I had been a typical hetero woman there would have been nothing. The child's wishes would have just been taken into account.

Then it was my barrister's turn to put his argument for me that no special circumstance existed to negate my daughter's wish to live with me. They tried to get him to define what "special circumstances" were. He indicated that a child would be at risk if there was a very aggressive father, a violent drunken father who battered and violently abused the child. There would be proof of that though. The child would bo bruised and show physical signs of damage. He said that he also thought another special circumstance could be if a mother was always out ---never there twenty four hours of the day -- and therefore not properly caring for the child. And it would not be difficult to prove.

However, he pointed out that no proof, no definite proof, had been established that my lesbianism was going to have any ill-effect on my daughter but that there was proof that going back to her father's household would affect her because she disliked her step-mother and found the atmosphere intolerable.

The appeal hearing was then adjourned for the day.

We all came back the following day. Chief Justice Evatt then explained why she had dismissed all the other grounds. She went on to say what she thought constituted "special circumstances." Her interpretation basically agreed with that of my barrister --- each case had its own special circumstances and that as far as she was concerned HAD TO BE PROVED TO EXIST. Then she said something very positive.

It was good stuff. She said that it was about time the judiciary and the law started to accept the homosexual as a whole person and SEE THEM AS WHOLE PEOPLE; to get away from that very narrow sex-orientated view which had generally coloured and confused the issue. Homosexuals had to be seen as whole people; people who are career-orientated --- homemakers--- with friends in all the stratas of society and that their sex life is only a small part of their whole existence. We haven't got a copy of her summing up yet but when we do we must make sure that it is published widely. She ended by saying that she found no grounds for the appeal.

GSG: So it was all over.

M: Goodness, no! We had to have two out of the three judges in agreement. At that stage we had only one of them prepared to dismiss the appeal.

Next came Fogarty from Melbourne. He spoke a little about separating the two kids. He said that he didn't like it but it had been handled properly. Then he moved on to the matter of my lesbianism. He more or less agreed with a lot Evatt had said but did a bit of moralising by saying that he would have liked to have seen things slightly different but after weighing up the pros and cons he agreed that Judge Goldstein had not erred and that things had been researched and looked into very thoroughly and he also found that the appeal should be dismissed.

GSG: Two down, one to go.

M: Well, we breathed a huge sigh of relief because it wouldn't make any difference what Yule said.

GSG: But it would have been brilliant to have had it unanimous though.

M:It was! Yule didn't go into a long discourse, no diatribe. All he said was that he supported his two colleagues and found that Justice Goldstein had not erred in law and agreed that the appeal should be dismissed.

So now I have got full care and control of my daughter.

GSG: So it's all over. You won custody in the first instance and then you won the appeal. That's pretty conclusive.

M: Not quite. Unlike a civil one a custody case is never conclusive. If my ex-husband thinks he has got new evidence or grounds he can re-open the case. That is exactly what I did last year.

Originally, back in 1975, mv ex-husband was awarded custody of both our children. But I was able to provide new evidence to re-open the case because my daughter was refusing to go back to him last year and was insisting that she wanted to live with me.

Even though this case was successful for my daughter it is patently obvious that the person who suffers the most at the hands of the court is the child. It is also patently obvious that lesbian mothers and homosexual fathers are at a distinct disadvantage in custody cases and the Family Law Act actually reinforces the prejudice that exists against the homosexual mother or father.

Jan and I would like to have the opportunity to discuss through the pages of the Gay Solidarity Newsletter some of the conclusions we have drawn from our experience of living with the frustrations of the Family Law Court for a whole year and the anger it generates.

GSG: You shall in the very next issue.




In our previous Newsletter we advertised that we were looking for a building suitable for a gay centre.

We have now leased premises at 603 King Street, about two minutes walk from St Peters Railway Station. A pink triangle + the words "GSG CENTRE" proclaim the fact on the plate glass display window at the front.

It is a two-storey shop-front building. The upper floor is being used for private residential accommodation and the ground floor consists of four separate rooms.

The large front room will be used for GSG meetings and social functions. Two of the others will probably be used as a tea room and as an office. The fourth is ideal as a work room.

The property also has a large grassy backyard which will be extremely useful for summertime social activities during the warmer weather.

In the large shop-front windows GSG will be displaying books and posters for sale.

Apart from meetings and other activities, the Centre generally will be used as an information point especially in times of mass action.

Some people have donated furniture, etc. but any contributions will be appreciated most sincerely including such expendable items as coffee mugs and plates even down to ashtrays.

GSG wants to work with you for social change which pretty obviously is the only means of ending oppression of lesbians and male homosexuals in this hetero-orientated society.

The Centre is one of the avenues to gay consciousness for the straight community and an expression of active solidarity for gay people.

Meet us at the Centre socially or get politically involved with us.

There's a dance on Friday, September 7 at 8.30 p.m. at the Centre and our weekly meetings are at 6.30 p.m. Thurs


SYDNEY: Another arrestee from the 1978 GAY MARDI GRAS has had the police charges dismissed by a Sydney magistrate. One of the police witnesses was unavailable and they sought leave to have the case deferred again until their witness was available. The magistrate said that the matter had dragged on too long (13 months), refused the request and dismissed the charges. At Central Police Court on September 14 more of the cases against women arrested at Hyde Park on August 27 will be heard.

MELBOURNE: The Gay Teachers' and Students' Group have issued a yellow leaflet to help people write letters of protest against the banning of YOUNG, GAY and PROUD from Victorian Schools by the former Victorian Minister of Education. You can have a copy of this leaflet and a copy of a petition for gathering signatures if you live in Victoria from Melb. G.T.S.G, Box 35. P.O., FITZROY. 3065.

In Sydney you can get a copy of the leaflet from GSG.

The new Victorian Minister of Education has left open the question of whether the directive of former education minister Thompson extends to Young, Gay and Proud. It is therefore timely for as many people as possible wherever they happen to be to be saying and writing that the directive shouldn't have existed in the first place and certainly should never be used as a means of stifling such as YOUNG, GAY and PROUD.

CANADA: Two new lesbian radio programmes are being carried on Canadian airwaves. "The Lesbian Show" is broadcast every Thursday evening at 7.30 p.m. on Co-op Radio in Vancouver. "Leaping Lesbians" alao goes to air on Thursday evenings in parts of Ontario.

LISBON: Portuguese journalist Maria Antonia Palla was acquitted of charges of affending public modesty and inciting the crime of abortion. Abortion is a crime in Portugal, punishable by between two and eight years imprisonment under an 1854 law.

The charges arose from Palla's part in the production of a television film, "Abortion Is not a Crime", shown in 1976.

U.S.A.: More than 2000 lesbians and gay men marched through downtown CHICACO on June 5 to protest at increasing police harassment.

On the pretext of checking tho age of patrons, Chicago police have been entering gay bars and "interviewing" those inside. The raids climaxed when three clubs were raided in one week. At one, Carol's Speakeasy, over 500 people were forced into the street where they were verbally and physically attacked by police.

Responding to pressure fron the gay |community, Mayor Jane Byrne admitted that there had been harassment of gays and declared that she would correct "police improprieties" in the city.

DUBLIN: The main opposition party in the Irish Republic has adopted gay rights as official policy.

The Fine Gael Party's national convention voted overwhelmingly in favour of reviewing the laws against male homosexuality. It is expected that this will lead to decriminalisatian and is a significant breakthrough into "establishment politics" for Irish gays.

SAN FRANCISCO: The feminist and gay communities arc charging that there is a cover-up in the investigation of a police invasion of a local lesbian bar.

Eight apparently drunken men attempted to force their way inside tha bar shouting "Let's go get the dykes!" Of the three men who succeeded in getting past the woman bouncer, two were off-duty policemen. Both the woman bouncer and the woman bar owner were taken to hospital badly injured.

One of the women during the investigation said that since the assassination of Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk, harassment of gays by straight gangs and police has escalated. She had received 45 threatening or obscene 'phone calls since her unlisted home 'phone number appeared on the police report of the incident.

El Grupo Lambda de Liberacion Homosexual recently announced plans to begin publication of a regular newspaper. The paper will be the first publication of its kind in Mexico. The group expects it to serve as a forum for the country's emerging gay rights movement.

Lambda is an organisation of lesbians and gay men "dedicated to the struggle for a society free of sexism and oppression." It is part of Mexico's Coalition of Lesbian and Homosexual Organisations.

LONDON:. English "bobbies" have seized thousands of gay publications in an "obscenity" crackdown which has led to raids on three gay bookstores in London.

According to one bookstore director, police took "practically everything that wasn't nailed to the floor ... even the unopened day's mail."

Scotland Yard claims that the material will be submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions for possible action under the Obscene Publications Act.

PHOENIX, USA: Two anti-gay bills introduced into the Arizona House of Representatives have been defeated after lobbying efforts by "Citizens for Constitutional Rights," a local civil rights group, and after a massive 'phone and letter campaign by the gay community.

SYDNEY: A book about the street march laws in Oueensland, how they are being enforced and why, has just been published. It had its Sydney launching at the NSW Teachers' Federation Hall recently. NO NO JOH JOH is how GSG interpreted the title. It's available at most activist bookshops and if you call it No No Joh Joh they'll know which one you want.

Some other publications you may like to get:

•LESBIAN NEWSLETTER (Vic).......... $6 p.a.
Box 49, P.O., North Fitzroy, Victoria, 3066

• GAY CHANGES (S.A.) $4 p.a.
Box 301. P.O., Norwood, South Australia 5067

•ROUGE, National Women's Newspaper. $5 for 6
Box 188, P.O. Wentworth Building, Syd.Uni.2006:


People, I wish to draw your attention to a situation in which many gay people find themselves still not covered by the law.

I refer to the decriminalising in N.S.W. of prostitution. I have made enquiries and have found that this new legislation recently enacted gives women the go-ahead to solicit other women, also the right to solicit men BUT this new law DOES NOT give men the right to solicit men.

I have made considerable enquiries and this is correct.

From what I have been able to find out many males are still being booked for loitering, etc. To my mind this is disgusting in the light of the so-called anti-discrimination legislation in N.S.W

I do not know whether you are aware of the above situation or not, but felt that your organisation, active in the social action area, could get somewhere where-as an individual could not.

I suppose it's just another area of "gay rights" promised years ago but not delivered.

Many may be under the impression that this new law or the removing of large sections of the Summary Offences Act includes male prostitution. I naturally thought it did and was rather surprised to learn that it didn't.

I am writing in the hope that the GSG may be able to do some lobbying to change this situation. I would appreciate your reply in due course.

L.S., Canterbury NSW

Friends, Thanks for the copy of the first issue of your Newsletter. I found it interesting and that it contained some information not available in other newsletters I receive. I hope you receive the support you deserve.

Please note that the Archives now has its own post office box. Would you please send all future correspondence to:- AUSTRALIAN GAY ARCHIVES, Box 124, P.O. PARKVILLE, VICTORIA, 3052.

If we can be of any assistance at any time please let us know. We'd be happy to help in whatever way we can.

G.C., Parkville, Vic.

Gay Solidarity People, Thanks very much for sending us your Newsletters. Unfortunately, C. and I (arrested in Sydney on the 4th National Homosexual Conference street procession and five months later the police withdrew the charges) are moving —we don't know where yet. So we'll have to let you know when we settle again where to send the Newsletters.

Thanks again for keeping us informed.

S.G., somewhere in VICTORIA


Other well-wishers may send donations to GSG, Box 380, P.O., BROADWAY, NSW 2007. Please mark back of cheque "Custody Fund."






5th National Homosexual Conference

A group of GSG representatives are attending the Conference in Melbourne from August 31 to September 2 at the UNIVERSAL WORKSHOP, Victoria Street, Fitzroy.

The theme of GSG's contribution is to be "Mass Action" based an our experience over the past 18 months of lesbians and male homosexuals working and planning together for gay rights in a politically-active way.

GSG doesn't pretend it's got all the answers but our motivation is our recognition of the need for social change, an end to oppression and an acceptance of gays as whole people.

Local Government Double-talk

North Sydney Council recently passed a motion which effectively bans gay posters from its noticeboards and homosexual literature from its Stanton Public Library. Failure to display notices publicising the NSW ANTI DISCRIMINATION BOARD'S "Homosexual PHONE-IN" sparked off a request from the Board's president for proper clarification of the Library's and therefore Council's policy on homosexuality.

Council obviously did not have a policy but allowed censorship to occur without concern. Now, a majority in Council has elevated prejudice to policy. The resolution: "THAT this Council affirms that it does not discriminate against homosexuals but is firmly opposed to any means whereby Council facilities nay be used to promote or encourage the practice of homosexual behaviour."

GSG has commenced sending its Newsletter to Stanton Library and intends posting copies to other public libraries. People are needed to monitor its availability at those libraries. If you can help, please send GSG the address of your local library.


A full page advertisement inserted by the Police Assn of NSW in the Aug. 20 Daily Telegraph attacked NSW Attorney General Frank Walker's restructuring of the Summary Offences Act.

Headlined "You can still walk on the streets of NSW but we can no longer guarantee your safety from harassment", it was a deliberate attempt to create fear and alarm in the minds of the community. The new Act DENIES THE POLICE THE RIGHT TO HARASS and not as stated in the advertisement that it denies the citizen recourse to police assistance. In the past the police have been too busy being agent provocateurs to worry much about what happens to citizens!


GSG has called for the NSW Premier to investigate Rex Jackson's fitness for the office of Minister for Youth and Community Services following the Minister's unbridled outburst in Parliament. GSG wants Jackson to resign and on answer to the question: does his derogatory use of the term "homosexual" to describe State Liberal front bencher Tim Moore represent an unofficial policy held by his department towards gay people?

Jackson was implying that lesbians & male homosexuals are less than whole people. Moore is equally at fault because he believes that being called "homosexual" makes him less than a man.

The homophobia of both proves how prejudiced and ill-informed they are. Both owe gay people who constitute more than a tenth of the population an apology.

To: G.S.G., BOX 380, P. O., BROADWAY, NSW. 2007, AUSTRALIA.

Please enrol me as a subscriber to the Gay Solidarity Newsletter.

Enclosed is $ .... ($2 for six issues; Overseas $3 for six issues)



A. That this forum believes that the most productive way to fight sexism in the gay movement is by taking up, as a major priority, demands relating to woman e.g. lesbian custody rights as well as other struggles and demands of the women's movement. That this forum supports the lesbian custody demand of the summer offensive (See Sydney Gay Solidarity submission). That the gay movement must support the work and demands of groups working on lesbian custody, expose the myths around lesbians as mothers as expressed in the courts and the media, and further that fund-raising be conducted in each State and territory to assist in legal costs in custody cases.

B. That all future Conference collectives set aside funds to provide good quality free child care in adequate facilities, providing activities, food and sleeping places for the children, and that the availability of child care be advertised in all pro-Conference publicity.

C. That in future, funds be provided for pre-Conference newsletters and that no such material contain sexist or racist advertising.

D. That this 5th Conforcnce endorses the NATIONAL SUMMER ACTION PROPOSALS culminating in a nation-wide day of action as outlined in the submission from Sydney Gay Solidarity Group and that day of action be SATURDAY, March 22, 1980.

E. That the national co-ordinator of Summer Action be Ken Davis (Sydney Gay Solidarity Group) and that interim State, territory and regional co-ordinators be established and further that there be State, territory and regional public meetings of gays convened soon after the Conference to facilitate the organisation of the Campaign; that there shall be a monthly report circulated nationally on the Campaign to each State, territory and region.

F. That the Sydney GSG call for mass action to incorporate an attempt to unify and mobilise gays in country and provincial areas by working through existing gay groups in these areas and through localised trade unions and student organisations activities.

G. That in supporting the National Summer Offensive established groups be requested to produce and collect literature and hold forums on sexism in order to educate the gay community and society in general on issues relating to women as a major lead-up to the Offensive.

H. That the next National Homosexual Conference be structured to discuss action for the following 12 months on how the gay movement can fight sexism, including a broad political analysis of how sexism and homosexual oppression occurs. And further that all established gay groups be asked to prepare at least one paper of analysis to be submitted to the Conference organisers and circulated prior to the 6th National Homosexual Conference.

I. That in keeping with the decisions of all homosexual conferences, we oppose the rampant sexism and anti-woman propaganda in the "Cabaret Conspiracy" and that all future Conference Collectives control all entertainment in keeping with the aims of this resolution.

J. That this forum condemns the sexist, anti-woman responses by participants to the Cabaret Conspiracy.

K. Recognising the level of sexism and misogyny prevalent at this Conference, this forum insists that male homosexuals organise themselves to fight sexism within the gay movement and that all male participants at this Conference who recognise this truth place their names and addresses on the sheets provided in the foyer to enable action on this proposal to be undertaken.

L. That the venue for the 6th National Homosexual Conference be Sydney NSW, in 1980 and that the theme be "GAYS TAKING THE OFFENSIVE."

M. That this 5th National Homosexual Conference affirms STONEWALL DAY, June 28, as an important date in the development of the modern homosexual movement and recommends that the Australian homosexual movement nationally hold activities on or around that day each year.

N. That this 5th National Homosexual Conference, taking note of the lack of communication and coordination in the Australian homosexual movement, reconmends that homosexual groups discuss the concept of a national Australian lesbian and male homosexual rights coalition, including the aims and possible structure of such a coalition so that proposals may be determined at the 6th National Homosexuel Conference; further that this Conference recommends to the 6th Conference Collective that discussion of the formation of such a coalition be included on the agenda for that conference.

0. That this 5th National Homosexual Conference condemns the Australian Festival of Light for

(1) issuing material which promotes murderous assaults as a legitimate response to a homosexual suggestion;

. (2) refusing to withdraw this material despite repeated requests to do so, and in spite of the overwhelming evidence of the havoc wrought by anti-homosexual violence;

and further that we condemn the anti-homosexual laws whose very existence incites and perpetuates such violent hatred against homosexual people.

P. That this 5th National Homosexual Conference demands that all Australian governments take all action necessary to ensure gay rights including the repeal of all laws which discriminate against gay people and the enactment of positive protection for gay rights.

Q. That this 5th National Homosexual Conference condemns the anti-homosexual bigotry expressed by the New South Wales minister for Youth and Community Services, Rex Jackson. We call for his resignation as Minister since his attitudes are clearly out of touch with the needs of the portfolio he holds. Further that an appropriate press release be issued.

R. That this 5th National Homosexual Conference recommends that Australian homosexual groups discuss the desirability, feasibility and format of a national newspaper for the homosexual movement, and that such a proposal be discussed at the 6th National Homosexual Conference.

These were the major resolutions passed at the 5th National Homosexual Conference

but yet to be released officially by the Conference Collective to registered participants.

Compiled for Sydney Gay Solidarity Group by K.Lovett of GSG, Box 380, P.O., Broadway, NSW 2007. September 7, 1979.




Mannie has a personal web site: RED JOS: HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISM

Mannie's blogs may be accessed by clicking on to the following links:

MannieBlog (from 1 August 2003 to 31 December 2005)

Activist Kicks Backs - Blognow archive re-housed - 2005-2009

RED JOS BLOGSPOT (from January 2009 onwards)

This page updated 18 SEPTEMBER 2014 and again on 18 APRIL 2018

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