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Formerly Gay Solidarity Group (Established in 1978)
PO Box 1675
Preston South Vic 3072
e-mail: josken_at_josken_net

LGS HOME PAGES: http://www.josken.net

ISSN 1446-4896

Formerly: GAY SOLIDARITY GROUP, established 1978

Lesbians and gays joined the rally under the Lesbian and Gay Solidarity banner for the anti-racism rally from Hyde Park to Circular Quay. The rally was one of a sequence planned to protest the rising rate of racism in Australia due to political events surrounding Federal politicians. Between 1 000 and 1 500 people took part in the rally.

The march stopped outside John Howard's office in Phillip Street, Sydney, to protest at the lack of leadership in the racism issue dividing the country since the election of Pauline Hanson to Federal Parliament as an independent. Further rallies are taking place around the country.

The next Sydney one attended by us at the Corso, Manly, was on Sunday 18 May to be followed by Newcastle, Friday 30 May, 6.30pm.


ALGA is still having trouble finding a satisfactory permanent home in Melbourne, after having been promised premises in the ALSO Foundation's proposed new home. This promise, having been well and truly broken by the ALSO Executive some months ago, leaving the Archives struggling to rehouse, has caused considerable problems for the Archives. Much research is being hampered by the lack of access, and it is suggested that you contact the Archives on P0 Box 124, Parkville, Vic.3052, to find out how you can assist them.


This project wan started some years ago in order to establish a permanent memorial to all those lesbians and gay men murdered by the Nazis and also to commemorate all those who have been murdered, and continue to be murdered in all countries around the world.

The monument was to be placed in Green Park, Darlinghurst, and South Sydney City Council gave its approval for such a monument some years ago.

A design competition was held, and a decision was made. Money was being collected to enable the construction to occur.

At some stage the process collapsed, with the rump of a committee remaining with a sum of money. Recently, people who had made donations requested the return of their donations. Apparently the money was put into the hands of a solicitor early in 1997 with the intention of continuing to obtain donations and get the monument built.

It is now several months since this information was made public, but there has been an absolute silence since then.

Questions need to be publicly asked as to what happened, what is happening, and what will happen to complete the project or for the organisation holding the funds to return the money to the donors.


A reminder to those who wish to plant trees to remember those who have died of AIDS that the following are the dates for 1997:

Sunday 1 June 1997
Sunday 24 August 1997
Sunday 12 October 1997

Planting takes place between 10.30am and 3.30pm and Council provides BBQ food and drinks as well as seats, umbrellas and toilets - together with trees, spades and other items needed for planting small trees.


Submissions relating to Age of Consent documented in the Standing Committee of the Attorneys General discussion paper on the MODEL CRIMINAL CODE CHAPTER 5: SEXUAL OFFENCES AGAINST THE PERSON closed on 30 April 1997.

If you have not yet sent a submission, it may be worth while sending a late one to Canberra for uniform age of consent throughout Australia, as this is a vital human rights issue.

Address: MCCOC Secretariat, Attorney Generals Dept. National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600.

Also we note that the Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby is seeking support for its sexual equality age of consent rights campaign in NSW.

It is even more important in view of the victory in Tasmania, where the age of consent has now become 17 for heterosexuals and homosexuals alike! From being the most repressive State in Australia, Tasmania has overnight produced one of the most progressive pieces of legislation.


After nine years of dogged and persistent action by gay and lesbian activists in the Island State, adult consenting gay sex in private has been decriminalised in Tasmania. LGS salutes your victory against bigoted odds. Of course it doesn't end there. Unfortunately, after the celebration comes the constant vigilance.


This continues to be a matter of great concern, and the situation seems to be getting worse, with no progress since a meeting was called of interested parties to the Chauvel Cinema on 20 March 1997. The meeting was chaired by David Marr, with the NSW Attorney General, Jeff Shaw, and the Director of the Sydney Film Festival, Paul Byrnes, on the platform.

About 200 people were present, and it seemed as if the committee formed, Watch On Censorship, would actually achieve something. Since then there has been absolute silence!

Make your protest at the lack of action. Contact the Committee on (02)9660 3844. The Committee is supposed to meet "every couple of weeks". As far as can be ascertained, this in not occurring. Ask the Committee why!!!


After the disgusting behaviour of most parliamentarians over the Kevin Andrews bill to override the Northern Territory's historic Euthanasia Bill it. is necessary to keep up the pressure to ensure that the states and Commonwealth listen to the population who overwhelmingly favour voluntary euthanasia.

The address of the Voluntary Euthanasia Society of NSW is 55 Mountain Street Ultimo, NSW 2007.


The Commission has completed its hearings and has part presented its report to the Premier of NSW. However, the can of worms opened by the Commission will have repercussions lasting for years to come.

One of the worst aspects of the Commission was its equating paedophilia with homosexuality, and one of the people responsible for some of the excesses of the Commission is undoubtedly the Legislative Council member Franca Arena who threatens in the NSW Upper House to name further prominent people.

There have already been at least 10 suicides relating to the Commission, and more will no doubt occur before the dust settles.

Commission Watch will need to continue despite the official end of the hearings.


Amnesty International lias released a report called BREAKING THE SILENCE which states that homosexuals around the world are being killed, tortured and imprisoned.

"In countries all over the world, men and women are harassed, abducted, imprisoned, tortured and even murdered for their sexual identity."

It lias taken Amnesty a long time to tackle the issue of homosexuality. Its early years seem to have been consumed by homophobia but at last they have seen the error of their ways and are beginning to act internationally on the human rights abuses against homosexuals.

Lesbians and gay men should be aware of which countries have the most oppressive laws relating to homosexuals, and should make their travel plans accordingly.

Some of the countries to be avoided are: Brazil, Colombia, Iran, Nigeria, India and Namibia, as well as ....

COSTA RICA: Lesbian and gay association vandalised.
ISRAEL: President Weitzman calls gays and lesbians disgusting and a security risk.
CHILE: Senate refuses to repeal anti-gay laws.
ROMANIA: Parliament voted to retain legal penalties against consensual gay sex.
BULGARIA: Anti-gay attacks and mass public arrests of gays.
TURKEY: Tranny community under continued police attack.
GERMANY: Gay and lesbian bar raided by riot police.
JAPAN: Gays barred from youth hostels.
ZIMBABWE: President Mugabe continues to attack lesbians and gays in speeches despite world-wide condemnation of his deplorable and bigoted utterances.
SWAZILAND:Government continues to attack gays and lesbians and says they should be kept out of the country.
THAILAND:"Homophobia threatens Thailand: Academic Council Bans Gays from Colleges."

On 26 December 1996 the Bangkok Post reported that the Rajabhat Institute Council, the collective governing body of all Thailand's teachers colleges, has "decided to bar homosexuals from enrolling in 36 colleges nationwide for fear they will set a bad example for students who go on to teach." The item also reported that next month the deans of all faculties of education of the country's universities will consider a similar ban on homosexual students being admitted to university education courses.

Write to:

H.E. Mr Sukavich Rangsitpol, Minister for Education and Chairman Rajabhat Institutes Council, Ministry of Education, Ratchdamnoen Road, Bangkok, Thailand. Please send a copy to Lesbian and Gay Solidarity (LGS) for inclusion in our records.


Born to orthodox Jewish parents, Mordechai Yanunu trained as a technician at a nuclear research centre in Israel. While undertaking his Master's degree in Philosophy at the Ben Gurion University, he began criticising his government's treatment of Arabs.

In 1985 he was forced to resign from the Nuclear Research Centre and came to Australia. He made friends here in Sydney and in September 1986 flew to London to reveal what he knew about Israel's nuclear arsenal. One of hie "friends" contacted ASIO about Vanunu's intentions.

In London he made contact with the Sunday Times and handed over his photos. The Sunday Times staff became concerned when he suddenly disappeared. But in October, the newspaper published his story under the front page headline, "Revealed - the secrets of Israeli nuclear arsenal."

Later in the month it was reported round the world that Vanunu had been captured by Israeli Security.

In March 1988, two years later, he was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment. He currently remains in solitary confinement where he has been since his capture in 1986, and his health is deteriorating markedly.

Sam Day, a US peace activist will be in Australia from 1st to 14th June to talk about the campaign to free Vanunu. He will speak at Politics in the Pub, Friday 6 June. For more information, phone Tom on (02)9360-6844.


In a blatant union busting exorcise on the 11th April 1997 three of the teaching staff of the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE were retrenched.

Alison Thome, Ron Davis and Marlk Wilson were from the VCE/communication Studies Department. Despite the fact that there is work for them, all three were targeted by management for retrenchment because of their active unionism even though they are three of the best teachers in the department.

Alison has long been active in lesbian and gay politics. She has had to fight for her right to face to face classroom teaching in the past because of her outspoken activism.

The TAFE Sub-Branch of the Australian Education Union has mounted a campaign for reinstatement of the three TAFE teachers. As a unionist, it would be useful to get your union to support the campaign.

As an individual, a letter of protest at the retrenchment of the three to the Vic. Minister for Tertiary Education and Training, Phil Honeywood, Level 21, Rialto Towers, 525 Collins Street, Melbourne, Vic. 3000 would be appreciated. (Copy to LGS would also be appreciated.)

(photo to be inserted from newsletter)

Left has right of way... a section of the 3,000-strong march, above, while Ms George makes some final adjustments lo her speech, in which she warned of a threat to living standards.

The May Day march enjoyed a resurgence yesterday as more than 3000 unionists and community group members rallied in Sydney.

The day is celebrated internationally by workers reflecting on their struggles and victories and, with thousands around the country feeling the heat of major industrial lay-offs, the march began with a chant of "Hands off Workers".

"Stop racism" was another central cry. The rally began in Bathurst Street and moved to First Fleet Park at Circular Quay.

Unions were joined by gay and lesbian groups, as well as ethnic groups marching to oppose racism and to send a political message about injustices in their native countries.

Ms Amanda Lemay, a member of thr Campaign Against Racism, asked people walking by to sign a petition condemning racism. "We feel that the ACTU and the Labor Party have been weak on the issue because they haven't launched an organised campaign against Pauline Hanson."





Mannie has a personal web site: RED JOS: HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISM

Mannie's blogs may be accessed by clicking on to the following links:

MannieBlog (from 1 August 2003 to 31 December 2005)

Activist Kicks Backs - Blognow archive re-housed - 2005-2009

RED JOS BLOGSPOT (from January 2009 onwards)

This page updated 18 SEPTEMBER 2014 and again on 24 APRIL 2017

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