PO Box 1675
Preston South Vic 3072
e-mail: josken_at_zipworld_com_au
The editors were having
a six-week holiday in South Africa during October and November 1997, and,
as a consequence, the 6th issue of 1997 will now be combined with the first
issue of 1998 as the editors try and get their act together.
We would like to thank the donor of a cheque for $25 to help with
the production of the newsletter. You know who you are - thank you very
much - every little bit helps!
South Africa produced
many items of interest - from a gay and lesbian film festival in Johannesburg
during November to a meeting with people in Cape Town trying to do AIDS
caring and education with little or no financial help from the public or
government. Since our return we have sent them some Australian journals,
leaflets and pamphlets. The two organisations are Wola
Nani - Embrace, at PO Box 16082, Vlaeberg, Cape Town, South Africa,
8018 email: wolanani@iafrica.com;
and FOPWA - Friends of People with AIDS, c/o Seliena Williams, 11 Steamboat
Road, Strandfontein, Cape Town, South Africa.
A few interesting discoveries: attached to the library of the University
of the Witwatersrand is a South
African Gay and Lesbian Archives. We were fortunate to have met the
archivist, seen material there, which was sent by us to South Africa, and
we donated a copy of Graham Carbery's book, A History of the Sydney Gay
and Lesbian Mardi Gras, to their Archives.
A gay and lesbian film festival was on in Johannesburg during
November, and we decided to go and see a Chinese film, which had been banned
in China and other countries, and we were going to be lucky enough to see
it in Johannesburg! The film is called East Palace, West Palace. We bought
our tickets and sat down in the cinema, only to be told that the film was
not going to be allowed to be shown at the Festival, and we would be seeing
instead a film called Chasing Amy, an unexciting non-lesbian/non-gay film.
What a letdown!
Time did not allow us to see any other films at the Festival, some of which
held great promise.
On August 22, 1997, the
Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality (NCGLE) and the South
African Human Rights Commission launched an application in the Witwatersrand
Local Division of the High Court to decriminalize adult consensual same-sex
On September 15,1997, Justice Minister Dullah Omar opposed this application
and has until October 6, 1997, to state his reasons. The IGLHRC is deeply
distressed by this apparent retreat from human rights.
Quoted from International
Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) Vol. VI, No. 5, 1997.
However, EXIT, a South
African gay and lesbian newspaper stated in its November 1997 issue:
"Justice Minister Dullah Omar's opposition to the court application
by the National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and the Human Rights
Commission dissipated recently following negotiations between the Coalition,
the ANC and the Minister. The court action has been brought in the Johannesburg
High Court to strike down the common law offences of "sodomy"
and "unnatural sexual offences" and various other statutory offences
including the provision of the Sexual Offences Act that criminalises acts
between men at a party. The unopposed case will now be heard by the High
Court on either November 18 or 25."
We were unlucky enough to be out of Johannesburg on 15 November 1997 when
the South Africa" National
Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality held a rally and meeting calling
for support for lesbian and gay equality:
"Apartheid laws criminalised many of us (South Africans) including
lesbian and gay people. Equality means equality for all. Equality means
the repeal of all unjust laws. In November 1997, the Johannesburg High Court
will hear an application to decriminalise adult same-sex conduct."
We also renewed acquaintance with a gay artist who has a brother
living in Sydney, and who did a drag show outside the court that was challenging
the old laws on homosexuality.
At the date of sending out the newsletter we have not heard the outcome
of the court case and believe that the hearing may have been postponed to
some date in 1995.
The Sydney Park AIDS Tree Planting Project used to leave its flyers
on the steps at King
Steam. However, last October a manager in a very unpleasant manner told
the project that in future he would not tolerate the flyers being left.
We hope King Steam's patrons will Pick up the flyers elsewhere when the
project is able to publicise the planting dates in June, August and October
each year.
The President has behaved like a dictator in calling out the police
and troops to quell riots which have been brought about by the collapse
of the economy, due in large part to the graft and corruption current in
Mugabe's Zimbabwe. Just as Mugabe is trying to blame white people in Zimbabwe
for the country's financial troubles, so has he tried to blame whites for
causing black Zimbabweans to be homosexuals.
It will be necessary to keep a human rights watch on proceedings. In Zimbabwe
as its troubles increase and instability grows, making scapegoats of many
people in the country.
A report in the Sydney
Morning Herald of 30 January 1998 from Tel Aviv states:
"Mordechai Vanunu, jailed for 18 years for revealing Israel's secret
nuclear weapons program, may be moved out of the solitary confinement he
has endured for the past 11 years, an Israeli MP says." - The
The owner of a gay and lesbian shop in the Strand Arcade is busy
having a costly legal battle against the owners and agents of the building
concerning posters and flyers advertising his shop and the Sydney Gay and
Lesbian Mardi Gras.
The management and owners have backed down slightly with the threat of legal
action, but there are still problems remaining in relation to a display
board outside his premises, called Loot.
As a thumbing of noses
to the Strand Arcade
management, the gay male nuns Mardi Gras History Walk on Sunday Afternoon,
15 February, walked through the Arcade in habit with the 50 plus gays and
lesbians on the walk. The nuns explained the reason for the diversion.
The Sydney
Morning Herald, in an editorial on Friday, 6 February, showed its homophobia
again by recommending that the gay male nuns of the Order of Perpetual Indulgence
be banned from the Mardi Gras parade. Despite numerous letters of protest
to the Letters Editor, none were published by her.
In its journal, Education, November 10, 1997, the NSW Teachers Federation
has an eight-page lift-out on the Anti-Racism kit.
LGS has, for some years, tried to pressure the Education Department to make
the Anti-Homophobia Kit compulsory, as is the Anti-Racism kit in NSW schools,
but to no avail. The NSW Teachers Federation has not done anything to try
and induce the State government to make the kit compulsory and it thus demonstrates
its own ongoing homophobia. Homophobia at teacher level is also assisting
the student homophobes to get away with almost everything, and this is an
alarming situation.
If you happen to be a teacher and a member of the NSW
Teachers Federation write a letter to the President urging the organisation
to take some positive action in this regard.
MALAYSIA: continues
its oppression of lesbians and gays by introducing a new law imposing fines
and strokes and/or jail for sexual "offences" including prostitution, heterosexual
adultery, lesbianism and Sodomy.
of the world's oldest and smallest countries legalised gay sex on 9 July
ECUADOR: A raid on a gay bar and continuous harassment by
the police sparked off several days of demonstrations in the town of Cuensa,
according to the newspaper Hoy.
The demonstrations marked the first mass public protest by lesbians and
gay men in Ecuador.
MEXICO AND ARGENTINA: are also on the list of countries
which are involved in homophobic actions and abuses of human rights against
lesbians, gays bisexual and transgender people in their countries. (Emergency
Response Vol. VI No. 1997)
CHINA: Tolerance grows for homosexuals in China -
Shanghai and other cities have gay and lesbian communities, which are celebrating
their sexuality more openly without harassment in various venues and with
various activities.
SINGAPORE: The oppression continues as human
rights are denied to lesbians and gay men in that country. The organisation
People Like Us (PLU) failed to have their society registered officially,
and government discrimination continues. You can assist by contacting PLU
on their website: http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/3878/
LGS wishes to acknowledge that the above international
items were "pilfered" from South Pacific Pearl Vol. 3, No.2 November
1997. Thank you, Sydney Asians and Friends and best wishes for 1998.
Forbidden Love Bold Passion is an exhibition covering ninety years
of Australian lesbian history told through the stories of a number of unique
women spanning the decades from invisibility to invulnerability. It's a
traveling exhibition curated in Melbourne and for its Mardi Gras showing
it includes the personal stories of four famous Sydney lesbians. The exhibition
is at the Australian Museum as part of the Mardi Gras Festival until 23
March 1998. The exhibition is a joint project of History Inverted and Australian
Lesbian and Gay Archives Inc.
10) THE
The Australian Lesbian
and Gay Archives still needs support in all ways. You can assist them by
writing to ALGA at PO Box 124 Parkville Vic. 3052. They still have copies
of Graham Carbery's History of Mardi Gras, so contact them for your copy
as we have run out of copies in Sydney at the moment.
The Gay and Lesbian Immigration Task Force (GLITF) was established
many years ago in response to the problems encountered by gays and lesbians
wishing to have their partners live with them in Australia. GLITF's main
object is to make sure that its members have the latest information about
changes to the Migration Regulations and the Migration Act and to know the
way the Immigration Department is interpreting those regulations.
GLITF may be contacted
at PO Box 400, Darlinghurst, NSW, 2010 email:
Phone: (02) 9380-5950, info-line 1902-262-155, fax: (02) 9569-1661
This year, 1990, is the 20th birthday of the Parade. LGS hasn't
participated as a group for many years. Some original members will be there
this year as part of the 78ers leading float.
Others will be participating in walking groups, one of which is the Australian
Lesbian and Gay Archives which is also having it's; 20th birthday this year.
ALGA was established as an initiative of the 4th National Homosexual Conference
in Sydney in 1978.
+ White + Pink: lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender communities
reconciliation working group:
In 1997 a group of organisations from Sydney's gay and lesbian
Communities produced a Statement of Support for the process of Reconciliation
with Aboriginal communities. The statement was signed by the Lesbian and
Gay Anti-Violence Project, PRIDE - Sydney Lesbian and Gay Community Centre,
2010 Lesbian and Gay Youth Services and the Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby
and was sent to the Australian Reconciliation Convention in May 1997.
If your organisation, or individual members, would like
to become further involved in the communities Reconciliation Process, please
contact Bruce Grant for details of planned activities. Black+White+Pink
has regular meetings and is open to all organisations and individuals within
the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities.
Secretariat, c/o Lesbian and Gay Anti-Violence Project PO
Box 1178, Darlinghurst NSW 2010, phone:(02) 936O-6687
Interestingly, Wik armbands, "Stick with Wik"
are being sold to) be worm by participants in the Mardi Gras Parade on 28th.
By lesbian designer, Deborah Kelly, they are $5 each. Phone (02) 9516-4126.
South Sydney City Council
has a ten-year management plan to turn the park into a regional recreation
ice for residents of the inner city and visitors.
MannieBlog (from 1 August 2003 to 31 December 2005)
Activist Kicks Backs - Blognow archive re-housed - 2005-2009
RED JOS BLOGSPOT (from January 2009 onwards)
This page last updated 9 FEBRUARY 2016
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