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(a) The numbers in brackets after certain items in the INDEX refer to the Gay Solidarity and Lesbian and Gay Solidarity newsletters and the paragraph in those newsletters, as, for instance, (64/12)
(b) The year of the Gay Solidarity and Lesbian and Gay Solidarity newsletters will be shown in the INDEX as, for instance, [1979]


Queensland Association for Healthy Communities (QAHC) - letter about a "Grandfather" Clause 2009
Queer Bashing - GSG newsletter No. 2 - June 1979
Queer Collaborations (1992) (22/page 3)[4/1992]
Queer Collaborations Conference - Newcastle, September 2001 (50/13)
Queer Collaborations Conference (17/page 2)[4/1991]
Queer Quiz (19/page 1)[1/1992]
Queer Politics in the USA and UK -1993 (28/page 3)[4/1993]
Queer Toothbrushes! - 22 April 2009
Queer TV '92 (19/page 1)[1/1992]
Quentin Bryce - Governor General, who in 2009 has failed the Human Rights test for which she had previously been famous
Quire (07c/page 2)[1986]


Rachael Neale - Letter in The Age, 14 August 2008
Racism and "Campaign" (19/page 1)[1/1992]
Racism and Homophobia (20/page 2)[2/1992]
Racist stickers in Melbourne (50/8)
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (12/page 2)[1990]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (13/page 2)[1990]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (14/page 2)[1/1991]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (15/page 2)[2/1991]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (16/page 2)[3/1991]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (17/page 2)[4/1991]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (18/page 2)[5/1991]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (19/page 2)[1/1992]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (20/page 2)[2/1992]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (21/page 2)[3/1992]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (22/page 3)[4/1992]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (23/page 2)[5/1992]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (24/page 2)[6/1992]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (25/page 2)[1/1993]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (26/page 2)[2/1993]
Radio - Gaywaves and Wildgals (27/page 2)[3/1993]
Rafael Morelos - gay suicide from anti-gay bullying - 6 FEBRUARY 2012
Rainbow Visions Gay, Lesbian, Transgender Forum on Ageing
Rainbow Visions - report on Forum on Gay and Lesbian Ageing issues (59/14)
Rally against Homophobia (46/16)
Rally Against the War - 19 January 1991 (14/page 2)[1/1991]
Rally on 1 July 1988 (8/page 2)[1988]
Ralph McLean - Obituary - 25 December 2010
Rampant Homophobia in Australian Military - Secret Report (58/10)
Ranger Mine's history of uranium leaks and spills (57/13)
Rank and File News - 1993 (27/page 2)[3/1993]
Rare First Edition of Oscar Wilde Book in Charity Shop (66/18)[2007]
Raymond Brooks letter re spying on activists - Too-cosy relationship
Raymond Keam - gay murder 13 JANUARY 1987
Reclaim the Night 1992 (23/page 1)[5/1992]
Recognition for Victoria's Lesbian and Gay Seniors (57/19)
Reconciliation - 1997 (35/pages 2 and 3)[5/1997]
Red Jos Alphabetical Index
Red Jos Web Pages
Refugee Action Support Rally (Melbourne) 30 August 2002 - Banner
Refugee Issue in Australia (52/15)
Religion and Homosexuality - 1998 (40/8)[5/1998]
Religion and Homosexuality - 1999 (41/2)[1/1999]
Remember Stonewall - Gay Solidarity [1979] Reply to Catholic Church Bigotry - 1993 (26/page 2)[2/1993]
Report on Gay Solidarity Week 1979 [1979]
Repression in Peru - 1993 (26/page 1)[2/1993]
Reproductive Freedom (13/page 2)[1990]
Resolutions Passed at the 5th National Homosexual Conference - 2 September 1979 - GSG newsletter No. 3
Response to Report on Elder Abuse Prevention Project Inquiry
Retired Academic Attempts Citizen's Arrest of Philip Ruddock (66/15)[2007]
Revisitng ageism in the gay world - talk by Peter Robinson - Homosexual Histories Conference - 5 December 2009
Richard Graham - Letter in The Age (20/11/07) on GM Food
Richard James - Obituary - 5 MARCH 2016
Richard Johnson - gay murder - 24 OCTOBER 1990
Richard Neville - Obituary - by Geoffrey Robertson - SEPTEMBER 2016
Richard Wherrett - In Memoriam (50/9)
Richard Wilson murder in Philippines 1 June 1990 - report by David Fagan (12/page1)[1990]
Rick Fenely - report on gay murders in Sydney 1970-1990s - Sydney Morning Herald - 1 August 2013
Ricky Webb
Robert McClelland - another ALP hack whose homophobia prevents the "Grandfather" Clause from being implemented 2009
Robert McClelland - Letter from Kendall Lovett on failure to provide Grandfather Clause
Rob Lake
Rob Lake letter to Sydney Star Observer re use of "AIDS Victims" and "AIDS Sufferers" - 27 February 2008
Rob Mitchell letter about gay suicide August 2009
Roger Moody goes on trial for a crime he did not commit - British Police Harass - 1979
Romania Rejects Legalisation! - 1998 (38/11)[3/1998]
Ron Owen - died 31 DECEMBER 1994 - Obituary - written by Kendall Lovett on 16 JANUARY 2014
Rosemary McKenry letter - But why are they 'security risks'?
Ross Warren - gay hate crime murder 20 JULY 1989
Ross Warren - gay hate crime murder
Roxon's Homophobic Hypocrisy
Roy Bishop - one of the founding members of InterSection in about 1997
Rudd Government's Double Standards 17 May 2009
Ruddock's Homophobic Hypocrisy
Rudy Vanderhart, President PFLAG Western Sydney Inc., writes to Hanan Dover re UWS Forum 2002
Russia and the USSR - GLTH Hate Crimes
Russia Supports Equal Rights for Sexual Minorities (64/15) [2007]
Ryan Heath article about Homophobia at UTS and Sir Gerard Brennan's part in it


Saffron Howden article - Bitter-sweet win for same-sex couple - Lismore - 6 June 2009 Sally Goldner
Salome Masoosa
Samantha Chung - Asylum Seeker Letter 9 August 2011
Samantha Raye - transgender murder - 20 MARCH 1989
Same-sex Civil Unions Bill in Italy (64/16) [2007]
Same-sex Marriage - Part 1
Same-Sex Marriage (59/2)
Same-sex National Inquiry by the Federal Government (63/3)
Same-sex Prohibition Act in Nigeria of Serious Concern (64/20)[2007]
Same-sex Reform Education Campaign - from Australian Labor Party - 6 May 2009
Same-sex Reform Education Campaign - from Federal Government - 5 May 2009
Same-sex Relationships and Grandfather Clause - 7 January 2009
Same-sex Relationships and Grandfather Clause - 7 January 2009 letter from Coalition of Activist Lebsians to politicians
Same-sex relationships recognition - New Zealand, Sydney, Tasmania, South Australia, Federal government (60/5)
Sam Lloyd letter attacking Lapkin's homophobic article
Sam Newman and Homophobia
Sandra Hall and Wendy Suiter - COAL
Sandra Hall and Wendy Suiter - COAL
Sandshoes and Needles (19/page 2)[1/1992]
Sarah Nichols
SAS creating havoc and uncertainty in Iraq (newsletter 54/5)
Sasha Soldatow - Obituary (7 December 1947-30 August 2006)
Saudi Arabia - GLTH Hate Crimes
Saudi Arabia Once Again Shows its Homophobia to the World (66/23)[2007]
School Homophobia in New South Wales
School Homophobia in Victoria
Scott Johnson gay murder in Manly - 9 DECEMBER 1988 Scott Johnson murder in Manly in 1988 - case reopened in 2012 - Scott's brother Steve at Mardi Gras 2013 - 3 MARCH 2013Scott Parkin and Deportation from Australia
Scott Parkin: Urgent Action Alert - 14 SEPTEMBER 2005
Section 28 in Australia? (9/page 2)[1988]
Section 28 in the UK (47/5)
Section 28 - UK - Repeal - July 2003 (57/6)
Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee Inquiry into Suicide in Australia - submission by Lesbian and Gay Solidarity November 2009
Senate Inquiry into Suicide in Australia - October 2009
Senator Hanson-Young and the failure of the Greens over a "Grandfather" Clause 2009
Senator Kerry Nettle and Transgendered Australians
Senior Citizens and Advocacy (57/22)
Senthorun Raj - "Are you gay enough to be a refugee?" - 9 June 2011
Separate but Equal - Apartheid South African Style: Spare the pink and greys this well-intentioned bill - article by John Izzard 7 January 2009
SERCO and Australia's Concentration Camps - article in The Age - 8 JANUARY 2012
Serkan Ozturk - reports on Sydney gay murders epidemic - 1970s,1980s, 1990s, Star Observer - 8 and 22 AUGUST 2013
Seth Walsh - gay teen suicide - LGBTQ Nation article - 28 SEPTEMBER 2010
Sexual Abuse of the Elderly - 8 June 2009
Sexuality and Children [1979]
Sharipov, Ruslan - horror story from Uzbekistan (57/2)
Shaun Murray article - It is the coal barons, not activists, who threaten society - 10 JANUARY 2012
Sheikh Khalid Yasin
SHIFT - Lesbian Play (Poster) Circa 1982-3
Shirleene Robinson - Editor - Book: Homophobia - An Australian History, Published by The Federation Press, 2008
Shirley Bains letter in The Age - Truth of the big sell re Council on the Ageing report - 9 April 2012
Show some humanity and let them remain - letters in SMH - August 2011
Sierra Leone - GLTH Hate Crimes
Simon Edge - Book - With Friends Like These - Marxism and Gay Politics - published 1995 (49/1)[2001]
Simon Nkoli - Obituary - 30 November 1998
Simon Nkoli Public Meeting (20/page 1)[2/1992]
Simon Nkoli Visit (19/page 1)[1/1992]
Singapore Retains Its Discriminatory Ban on Gay Sex (66/21)[2007]
Siphiwe Selby Nhlapo murdered - South African gay hate crime - October 2011
Sister Mary Mary Quite Contrary - Peter Collard - obituary 24 October 2011
60 Minutes and Sheikh Khalid Yasin
Sizakelle Sigasa
Skinheads suspected in California slaying (52/10)
Socialism Conference (7/page 2)[1982]
Socialist Scholars' Conference (14/page 1)[1/1991]
Socialist Scholars' Conference (17/page 2)[4/1991]
Social Security Benefits - Same-Sex Couples - Clover Moore writes to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd - 15 January 2009
Solidarity With Baryulgil Campaign in Sydney - 1993 (29/page 2)[5/1993]
Solidarity With the Baryulgil Community - 1993 (25/page 2)[1/1993]
Soviets used same tactics - letters in The Age - 9 JANUARY 2012
South Africa again in news - Army psychiatrist Dr Aubrey Levin (47/10)
South Africa, AIDS and beetroots! - article in the New Internationalist by Patrick Burnett
South Africa and AIDS drugs - yet again! (57/4)
South Africa and gay marriage recognition (60/2)
South Africa and Wouter Basson - "Dr Death" (51/6)
South Africa Celebrates - 1998 (38/12)[3/1998]
South Africa Gets Gay Marriage (64/5) [2007]
South Africa - GLTH Hate Crimes
South African AIDS Delegates Seek Refuge in Canada (64/1)
South African Catholic bishops and AIDS (49/4)
South African court considers gay marriage appeal (59/6)
South African gay, lesbian, transgender, HIV/AIDS hate crimes
South African HIV/AIDS and Condoms in Prisons Update - 1997 (31/page 2)[1/1997]
South African Defence Force - Making Gays Straight - 1997 Report (34/page 4)[4/1997]
South African Elections - 1999 (42/8)[2/1999]
South African Response to Government HIV Testing Plans - Responses from NCGLE - 2000 (45/10)[5/1999 and 1/2000] South Africans wrangle over blood donations (47/9)
South African update re Constitution - 1997 (35/page 1)[5/1997]
South Africa - 1997 (36/2)[6/1997 and 1/1998]
South Africa: Outcome of pharmaceutical legal case and aftermath (48/4)[2001]
South Africa restricts, then unrestricts homophobic book (51/1)
South Africa reverses AIDS views (51/4)
South Africa, Sesame Street, HIV/AIDS and USA (52/17)
South Africa's New Apartheid - 1998 (39/9)[4/1998]
South Africa's President and AIDS (49/5)
South Australia Gets Gay and Lesbian Relationship Recognition and Equal Rights - Well Some!!! (64/7) [2007]
SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTRE (SPLC) - see gay and lesbian hate crimes
South Sydney City Council erects SPAIDS signage at Sydney Park - 1996
SPAIDS and King Steam (36/3)[6/1997 and 1/1998]
SPAIDS Latest - 2000 (45/14)[5/1999 and 1/2000]
SPAIDS plantings and 2002 World AIDS Day Award (newsletter 53/14)
SPAIDS - Sydney Park AIDS Memorial Groves
Spain - GLTH Hate Crimes
Special Branch Files - 1999 (42/5)[2/1999]
Spies eye green protesters - Philip Dorling article - 7 JANUARY 2012
Spread the Word - Form Middle Eastern Origin Gay Men and Lesbians Group -1993 (25/page 2)[1/1993]
Stephanie Teh - Letter in The Age, 15 August 2008
Stephen Page - re-investigated 1980s and 1990s gay murders in Sydney
Stephen Tomsen and Allen George - Introduction - Gay and Lesbian Hate Crimes
Stonewall 1980 .....? GSG newsletter No. 4 April-May 1980
Submission to Discussion Pater "Material that ADVOCATES TERRORISM ACTS - 24 MAY 2007
Sydney Gay and Lesbian mardi Gras 1998 (36/12)[6/1997 and 1/1998]
SPAIDS - dates for 2002 plantings (51/11)
SPAIDS - dates for 2003 plantings (newsletter 54/11)
SPAIDS - July 2003 (newsletter 55/10)
SPAIDS - 1997 plantings (34/page 1)[4/1997]
SPAIDS - 12 October 1997 plantings (35/page 2)[5/1997]
SPAIDS - 1998 Report (39/19)[4/1998]
SPAIDS - 1999 Report (44/3)[4/1999]
SPAIDS - 1999 - Report on Artworks Project (43/6)[3/1999]
SPAIDS - photo records (48 - last item)
SPAIDS photos - after 10 years and at 30th planting
SPAIDS Planting Dates for 1998 (37/4)[2/1998]
SPAIDS Plantings in 2000 (47/16)
SPAIDS Project (49/13)
SPAIDS Prominence in Sydney Park Development Plan
SPAIDS - September 2003 (newsletter 56/1)
SPAIDS - Sydney Park AIDS Tree-Planting Project - 1997 (31/page 2)[1/1997]
SPAIDS - Sydney Park AIDS Tree-Planting Project - 1997 Planting Dates (33/page 2)[3/1997]
SPAIDS - The Permanent AIDS Memorial, Sydney (50/5)
SPAIDS update (46/4)
SPAIDS update (48/6)
SPAIDS update (52/7)
SPAIDS update (57/9)
SPAIDS update (58/1)
SPAIDS update (59/1)
SPAIDS update for 2005 (60/17)
SPAIDS Planting July 2005 (61/6)
SPAIDS - Sydney Park AIDS Memorial Groves - Contacts with Overseas groups - 1998 (40/4)[5/1998]
SPAIDS - Sydney Park AIDS Memorial Groves Tree Planting Project - 1999 (42/12)[2/1999]
SPAIDS - Sydney Park AIDS Tree Planting Project - 1997 dates (32/pages 1 and 4)[2/1997]
SPAIDS - Sydney Park AIDS Tree Planting Project - 26 July 1998 (38/1)[3/1998]
SPAIDS 32nd Planting July 2006 (63/2)
SPAIDS 32 - Report on Tree Planting on 30 July 2006 (64/10) [2007]
SPAIDS 33rd Planting 29 July 2007 (65/5)[2007]
SPAIDS 33 - Report on Tree Planting on 29 July 2007 (66/5) [2007]
Spain Gets Gay Marriage(61/12)
Spotlight on gay marriage (57/21)
Spying on Activists - letters in The Age - 9 JANUARY 2012
Stand up to Mormon leaders who spread LGBT intolerance - article - 7 OCTOBER 2010
Star Gays Get the Bounce - Star Hotel, Newcastle [1979]
Steve Gallagher - Obituary by Alan Brotherton - 21 March 2010
Steve Price and Homophobia
Stonewall Anniversary 1988 (9/page 1)[1988]
Stonewall Anniversary 1991 (16/page 1)[3/1991]
Stonewall Blacktown Picket (7/page 2){1982]
Stonewall Events - 1993 (27/page 1)[3/1993]
Stonewall 1980 - how? (4/page 6)[1980]
Stonewall 1982 (6/page 12)[1981]
Stonewall '82 (7 - attachment)[1982]
Stonewall Summer Dance (Melbourne) Poster 1984
Stonewall 21st Anniversary 1990 (11/page 2)[1990]
Stonewall 21st Anniversary 1990 (12/page 2)[1990]
Stonewall 21st Anniversary 1990 - Report (13/page 1)[1990]
Stonewall 25 - 1993 for 1994 (29/page 3)[5/1993]
Stonewall '92 Events (21/page 1)[3/1992]
Stonewall '92 March/Rally (19/page 1)[1/1992]
Stop Black Deaths in Custody (14/page 1)[1/1991]
Stop The Genocide On Stolen Aboriginal Land - poster fro rally - 14 JULY 2007
Stop Outing Aged Pensioners - campaign addressing Federal Government's shameful behaviour of GLTH seniors - 9 June 2009
Stop the Scapegoating on "Outing" (17/page 1)[4/1991]
Strand Arcade Sydney - 1997 (36/6)[6/1997 and 1/1998]
Street Patrols (18/page 2)[5/1991]
Street Patrols (19/page 2)[1/1992]
Street Patrols and Entrapments (19/page 2)[1/1992]
Student Teacher Sacked When She Told Her Pupils She Was Gay! (61/9)
"Stuff Ageism! It's Time to Get Active" presentation by Kendall Lovett and Mannie De Saxe - HID5 22 January 2005
Submission to Australian Broadcasting Tribunal - 2GB Licence Renewal Application - GSG Submission (7 - attachment)[1982]
Submission to Discussion Paper "Material that ADVOCATES TERRORIST ACTS - 24 MAY 2007
Submission to Inquiry into Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment Bill 2007 - 4 JULY 2007
Submission To Inquiry into Same-sex Relationships Bill 2008
Submission into Inquiry into provisions of Anti-Terrorism (No.2) Bill 2005 - From LGS - 9 NOVEMBER 2005
Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into provisions of National Security Information Legislation Amendment Bill 2005 - from Lesbian and Gay Solidarity - 26 MARCH 2005
Sue Currie - Asylum Seeker letter - 18 August 2011
Sue Hendy, Council on the Ageing Vic.(COTA)
Suicide Analysis - 1999 (41/9)[1/1999]
Suicide and Homophobia (60/14)
Suicide from Bullying of Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, HIV - mostly young people increasing in 2012
Suicide Prevention Australia
Sunday Telegraph, Sydney, 29 March 1981

Support Nude Bathing (18/page 2)[5/1991]
Swaziland - GLTH Hate Crimes
Sydney Gay Murders - Report in Sydney Morning Herald by Rick Fenely - 7 AUGUST 2013
Sydney Park AIDS Memorial Groves - First Planting 15 MAY 1994
Sydney Park Wilderness Plan - article in the Daily Telegraph, 16 March 2006
Sydney Solidarity With the March on Washington - 1993 (27/page 1)[3/1993]
Sydney Star Observer and Gloria Jean's


Tackling Bigotry (63/12)
TAFE Sacks Alison Thorne - 1997 (33/page 5)[3/1997]
Talk on South Africa - Meeting Simon Nkoli (17/page 2)[4/1991]
Tanya Plibersek - another ALP hack - hard as nails and no sympathy over a "Grandfather" Clause 2009
Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group - 1997 (32/page 3)[2/1997]
Tasmania 1988 (10/page 1)[1988]
Tasmania Law Reform (9/page 1)[1988]
Tasmanian Defeat (17/page 2)[4/1991]
Tasmanian woodchipping an election issue (57/13)
Tasmania Upper House elections - moral issues and Christianity (newsletter 55/3)
Teaching Sexuality [1979]
Ted Lapkin's homophobic article against same-sex marriage - 28 August 2011
Temple Mount Massacre Protest (14/page 2)[1/1991]
Tennis Australia
Ten Years On 1978-1988 - GSG (8/page 1)[1988]
Terrorist Act - What is it? (59/11)
Terror laws a 'greater threat than terrorism' - Peter Fray report from London - 18 DECEMBER 2004
"Terror War" - some pithy comments (51/19)
Thailand and the Army (65/4)[2007]
Thatcher Visit 1988 (9/page 2)[1988]
The Beat - A True Account of the Bondi Gay Murders by I J Fenn (see also next item)
The Beat - A True Account of the Bondi Gay Murders by I J Fenn (64/2) [2007]
THE BRIDE WORE PINK: - Legal Recognition of our Relationships - LGS Newsletter Discussion Paper - Complete Newsletter 1994 (30 - all 5 pages)[1/1994]
The New Challenges - 1988 (8/page 2)[1988]
"The Politics of AIDS" - ISO Forum 1992 (19/page 1)[1/1992]
The 'Reform' that shames Australia by Alastair Nicholson
The 78ers Exhibition - 1998 (38/3)[3/1998]
The Stolen Children: Their Stories - Carmel Bird's Collection - 1998 (38/5)[3/1998]
THE TROUBLE WITH SPORT - 1993 (26/pages 3 and 4)[2/1993]
The watchdog's kennel in clandestine Croydon - Philip Dorling article - 7 JANUARY 2012
The Women's LIbrary - Crisis Report - 1999 (43/16)[3/1999]
This is the most touching It-Gets-Better video you will ever see - 18 OCTOBER 2010
Those Police Records [1979]
Three Tortured, Raped Just For Being Gay - from Care2 by Jessica Pieklo - 11 October 2010
Tim Anderson is Free At Last! (16/page 2)[3/1991]
"To Be Or Not To Be....." Polymorphous Perversity Raises its Ugly Head Again - Michael Schembri (1993) (28/page 1)[4/1993]
Tokyo - from Japan Gay Centre (6/page 10)[1981]
Tolerance Report presented to Sutherland Shire Council by Christine Bird - circa 1997
Too Easy to Generalise - letter to the National Times from GSG 1982 (7/page 9)
Toothbrushes Behaving Badly!!!! 19 April 2009
Too tolerant of ugly racism - article by Patrick Dodson - 31 JANUARY 2012
Toxic waste dump (newsletter 56/10)
Trade Union Issues
Trade unionists in Mardi Gras parade (51/2)
Transgendered Australians - Senator Kerry Nettle
Transgender Items
Transgender People Are Still Fighting for Rights - Sally Goldner Reports (65/10)[2007]
Transgender teen hate murder (newsletter53/19)
Transgender viciously attacked at McDonald's Baltimore County USA 18 April 2011
Transgender viciously attacked at McDonald's Baltimore County USA 18 April 2011
TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP PART 1 - BE AFRAID! BE VERY AFRAID! - read all about it and inwardly digest and become activated - NOW!
Trans People Murders in Puerto Rico go Unrecorded - care2 - 28 November 2011
Trany Anti-Discrimination Next on the Agenda - 1993 (29/page 2)[5/1993]
True Stories, with identities suppressed, of the impact of the Federal same-sex legal reforms on gay couples - individually prepared summaries - 5 January 2009
Truth or Dare video - Ken Davis Letter to Gay Community News
Tseko Simon Nkoli - Obituary - 1998 (40/1)[5/1998]
Twelfth (12th) World HIV/AIDS Conference in Geneva - 1998 (38/8)[3/1998]
Twenty-Ten Defence (9/page 2)[1988]
Two Stars Project - Newcastle - 1999 (43/12)[3/1999]
Tyler Clementi - gay teen suicide after exposure by room-mate - article in New Yorker - 20 OCTOBER 2010


Uganda fines radio station for gay activists interview (60/4)
Uganda - GLTH Hate Crimes
UK Age of Consent - 1998 (37/2)[2/1998]
UK army and Homophobia - 1999 (43/10)[3/1999]
UK Army Ban on Gay and Lesbians Lifted - 2000 (45/4)[5/1999 and 1/2000]
UK - GLTH Hate Crimes
UK Homophobia - 1998 (40/5)[5/1998]
UN AIDS pact - Islam and the Vatican! (48/14)
Union leader's long history of activist - article by Dan Harrison about Kim Sattler - 30 JANUARY 2012
Unions help build a house of Aboriginal resistance - Diane Fieldes article 12 FEBRUARY 2010
United Nations Grants Consultative Status to GLBT Groups (66/17)[2007]
Uniting Church And Homosexuality - 1997 (35/page 4)[5/1997]
University of New South Wales and Peter McGregor
University of NSW, Andrew Lynch, Gilbert+Tobin Centre, Philip Ruddock and Peter McGregor
University of Western Sydney and Peter McGregor
UN withdraws Gay Rights Resolution (57/16)
Updates 1992 (21/page 1)[3/1992]
Upstairs Lounge Fire tragedy - New Orleans - 1973 - videos - remembered 40 years later
Uranium Mining, Martin Ferguson and the ALP (Alternative Liberal Party)
Uranium Mining, Nuclear Energy and Anti-War Issues
Urgent Call from Enola Gay - No Gulf War (13/page1)[1990]
USA Immigration Campaign (6/page 10)[1981]
US infamous sodomy laws overturned (newsletter 55/16)
USA Moves Against ILGA - 1993 (29/page 2)[5/1993] USA must get out of Iraq (newsletter 54/8)
USA - GLTH Hate Crimes
US recipe for space-based war (newsletter 53/6)
US shaken by sudden surge of violence against gay people - Observer article - 17 OCTOBER 2010
US Socialist Lesbian Journalist Gagged - 1993 (29/page 3)[5/1993]
USSR (13/page 2)[1990]
US Vietnam vet gets life for gay bar shooting (49/2)
UWS Forum: "Islam and Homosexuality" - religious attacks by fundamentalist Islam in Sydney
Uzbekistan gay rights abuses (newsletter 55/12)


Val Eastwood - Obituary - The Age 6 January 2010
Vale Walter Hillbrick - 11 September 1997 (35/page 5)[5/1997]
Vanessa Lowe - Letter in The Age, 14 Ausgust 2008
Vanessa Wagner's Opinion piece in SX on Grandfathers and Kevin Rudd
Vanunu In Solitary - 1997 (34/page 2)[4/1997]
Vanunu, Mordechai
Vanunu Update 1998 (36/5)[6/1997 and 1/1998]
Victoria Finlay
Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby
Victorian Aboriginal Health Service
Victorian Aboriginal prisoner brings High Court case to allow 20,000 prisoners to vote (65/14)[2007]
Victorian Supreme Court Ruling (19/page 1)[1/1992]
Victoria's Elder Abuse Prevention Inquiry (63/7)
Victory for Lesbian Space Project - 1993 (29/page 3)[5/1993]
Victory for South African Gays - 1999 (41/10)[1/1999] Vigil to Protest Increase of Lesbian Murders in South Africa (66/6)[2007]
Voice of Australia becomes fundamentalist christian (46/6)
Victorian schools and homophobic abuse
Voters say 'no' to asylum deal - article August 2011


Wal Fife, Federal Education Minister in 1981
Walter Grahame letter - Time called on coal - 10 JANUARY 2012
Walter Hillbrick - Obituary - 11 September 1997
Ward death inquest conclusion 13 FEBRUARY 2010
War in Iraq and lesbian and gay involvement (newsletter 54/3)
Warren Entsch - All People are Created Equal Except Homosexuals!
Wayne Swan - no interest in a "Grandfather" Clause 2009
Wayne Tonks - gay murder 19 MAY 1990
Wayne/Wendy Brennan - gay murder - APRIL 1985
We are the Moral Majority, the Festival of Light is Neither.......(7 attachment)[1982]
We have little tolerance for gays seeking asylum - May 2010
Whatever Happened to the Personal? by Betty Hounslow (10/page 2)[1988]
What every homosexual ought to know but isn't likely to be told (3/page2)[1979]
What happens to Lesbians and Gays when they get as old as grandma and granddad (48/9)
What is sexism anyway> (4/page 3)[1980]
What is SPAIDS? (36)[6/1997 and 1/1998]
What's been happening - LGS activities (48/5)
What the Paris Protest Was About (1992) (22/page 2)[4/1992]
What We Want (6/page 8)[1981]
WHAZZUP - magazine of Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe (GALZ)(newsletter 56/17)
When is a War Not a War? - Professor Henry Reynolds - 1998 (40/3)[5/1998]
Whistle Project (16/page 2)[3/1991]
Whistles Campaign (12/page 2)[1990]
Whistles Project (17/page 2)[4/1991]
Whistles Project (18/page 2)[5/1991]
Whistles Project (19/page 2)[1/1992]
Whistles Project (20/page 2)[2/1992]
Whitechurch, Helen
Who are the disabled? (5/page 2)[1980] Why do so many Gay Men and Lesbians Support Aboriginal Liberation Struggles? (1993) (27/page 3)[3/1993]
Wikimedia and SPAIDS - correspondence between 2008 and 2010
Wikipedia and SPAIDS - correspondence between 2008 and 2010
William Allen - gay murder - 28 DECEMBER 1988
William Dutfield - gay murder - 19 NOVEMBER 1991
Will Lowes and Peter Hackney article in SX (27 November 2008) - Potiential Difficulties for gay pensioners
Witches and Faggots - Dykes and Poofters (4/page 6)[1980]
Witness Tells Adelaide Court "HIV DOES NOT EXIST!" (64/11) [2007]
With Friends Like These - Marxism and Gay Politics - Book By Simon Edge - published in 1995 (48/1) [2001]
Wola Nani- Embrace (48/12)
Women's Day March - Poster (Sydney) 9 March 1985
Woods Royal Commission NSW 1997 (31/page 2)[1/1997]
Woolworths Qualify for Gay Boycott - 1993 (26/page 1)[2/1993]
Workers Library and Khanya College, Johannesburg (58/4)
World AIDS and Television (49/15)
World AIDS Day 1990 (14/page 2)[1/1991]
World AIDS Day 1999 (44/1)[4/1999]
World AIDS Day - A Selection of T-Shirts
World AIDS Day Walks, Sydney Star Observer, SPAIDS and AIDS Organisations
World Environment Day 3 June 1990 (12/page 2)[1990]
World Front for Solidarity with El Salvador - International Day of Action 12 June 1982 (7/page 2)[1982]
World Pride celebrations - Jerusalem (61/5)



Yasin and Parkin - Attorney General's Double Standards - letter from LGS to government - 18 SEPTEMBER 2005
You Don't Have to Roll Up Your Banner When You're Sixty! - Ageing and Gay and Lesbian (and Trasngender) Communities - Presentation by Kendall Lovett and Mannie De Saxe - Rainbow Visions Forum - Newcastle - 17 July 2004
Young, Gay and Proud
Your ABC and the Sydney Morning Herald - 1998 (40/10)[5/1998]
Your loving Simon - the stage play (newsletter 54/19)
"You Shouldn't Have To Hide To Be Safe - Report (58/9)
Youth policies and youth suicide (newsletter 56/9)
Youth suicide in Sydney's West (46/2)
Youth Suicide in Sydney's West - Gay Related? What Research Has Been Done? - 2000 (45/5)[5/1999 and 1/2000]
Youtube, Furries and "Patriotic Nigras"!


Zackie Achmat nominated for Nobel Peace Prize (57/11)
Zambia and Homosexuality - 1998 (39/10)[4/1998]
Zanny Begg, Artist, and Censorship
Zanzibar Lawmakers Outlaw Gay Sex (58/5)
Zanzibar outlaws gay sex (59/5)
Zimbabwean and Namibian Presidents - ongoing Homophobia (52/9)
Zimbabwe - elections (47/14)
Zimbabwe - GLTH Hate Crimes
Zimbabwe - Keith Goddard Arrested - 1998 (38/7)[3/1998]
Zimbabwe - Mugabe uses male rape (newsletter 55/14)
Zimbabwe - New Gay Group - Rainbow Affinity Group (60/16)
Zimbabwe 1997 (36/4)[6/1997 and 1/1998]
Zimbabwe 1998 (37/7)[2/1998]
Zimbabwe 1998 Update (39/12)[4/1998]
Zimbabwe's Homophobia - 1997 (32/page 1)[2/1997]
Zimbabwe Update - 1997 (35/page 2)[5/1997]

Alphabetical Index A to H
Alphabetical Index I to P


Mannie De Saxe also has a personal web site, which may be found by clicking on the link: RED JOS HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISM

Mannie's blogs may be accessed by clicking on to the following links:

MannieBlog (from 1 August 2003 to 31 December 2005)

Activist Kicks Backs - Blognow archive re-housed - 2005-2009

RED JOS BLOGSPOT (from January 2009 onwards)


This page updated 4 AUGUST 2014 and again on 21 DECEMBER 2017